How to succeed by photographing a wedding

At professional photo forums, there are regular distress signals from beginners who will be the first to take a wedding event. Well, if a person initially correctly poses questions, and does not broadcast something like this: I'm shooting the wedding for the first time, help someone than they can. Or: what camera to buy for a wedding photo shoot? A correctly asked question will always lead to a complete and professional answer.

To make it easier for a beginner in a wedding photo to understand the basics and find out which part of knowledge should be "pulled up" Darren Rowse, an Australian photographer from Melbourne, editor and founder of SnapnDeals and Digital Photography School, has prepared several recommendations - technical and partly psychological. They will help beginners in the wedding photography not to bring the participants of the celebration and make beautiful and vivid photographs..

Make a list of required staff

If you want your pictures to like the newlyweds, ask them - what they are waiting for, what subjects they like and which ones seem boring or unacceptable. Especially check-lists are useful for family photography. There is nothing worse than to see the result of the work and understand that you forgot to take a picture of a happy couple with their beloved grandmothers. So make a list, ask the newlyweds to look through it and inscribe what they think is important.

Ask to appoint a "coordinator" of the shooting who knows the guests and family members well

Part of the holiday, dedicated to a joint family photo, is quite tense. The photographer is an outsider who is not familiar with the dynamics of the relations of the invited people, people are dispersed in different corners, chaotically move, are permeated with the spirit of celebration and fun (which includes alcohol) and it is difficult to gather them together without having the experience of communicating with these specific people.

Ask the couple to appoint a family member (or even two - on both sides) to become a kind of director of photography. A person will take the trouble to collect all of them together, to keep in the frame and help to quickly make all group photos - so that the couple and guests quickly return to entertainment.

Also read: Tips for creating wedding photography

Make a preliminary adjustment at the scene

In advance, study all the places you need to shoot. To all, even professionals (they neglect intelligence in part), it is useful to know what "fighting positions" are. You will be able to understand how to use light where it is best to stand up. On a preliminary check, you can take a couple with you - to take test shots, entertain future spouses and reduce stress levels by increasing the level of trust.

Preparation in advance is important

In the shooting of weddings the main thing is to prepare well, because many things can go on that day not according to the planned scenario. Consider a plan B in case of rain (and you, for example, planned to shoot in the open air on the square); charge the battery; take some clean memory cards. You need to think over the route and time that will be needed to get to all points.

Ask the couple what the plan of the day is. You should be aware of what is happening on this day. It is advisable to take part in the rehearsal ceremony (if it is held). There you will collect a lot of necessary information, you can choose a convenient location for yourself, think over lighting and so on.
